
Travel ideas for family pets

Dogs’ needs are often overlooked during holiday road trips, so I thought I’d list a few reminders if your pet dog is lucky enough to come along. Dogs are normally extra naughty when checking out somewhere new, right? ?

1. hide the chocolate from your dog.

When the car is stuffed with goodies, keep all the tempting presents in the trunk if your pet dog will be alone in the car. Wrapping paper and boxes will not stop a dog! It’s easy for me to forget what is in each gift, so when I’m wrapping presents I put all edible gifts in one spot.

2. Be respectful and appreciative.

If you are lucky to have relatives who welcome your dog, make sure you don’t push your luck. truly thank them for allowing you to bring your dog. You could even bring them a gift from your pet dog or have your pet dog give their pet dog a gift.

Follow all your host’s rules and requests, and if you’re not sure what the policies are, ask. Make sure to always pick up after your dog, wipe her paws and keep her off the furniture. Don’t allow her to bark nonstop, to bother the other family pets or guests or to run around like she owns the place.

3. exercise your pet dog a lot more than usual.

Ideally, I take Ace for an hour walk ideal before we leave on road trips. then I walk him again once we reach our destination. I also make sure he gets a lot more exercise the entire week leading up to our trip and during our trip. The less pent-up energy he has, the better.

4. Enforce your normal rules.

Dogs know when they can get away with whatever they want. help your pet dog stay focused and under control at Grandma’s by enforcing the same policies you do at home. have your pet dog sit and stay in the car until you release her. keep her leash on in the house until she is calm. carry treats in your pocket to help her stay focused. Don’t let her charge the door.

5. Bring rawhides and Kong toys.

Chewing helps dogs kick back and get rid of extra energy. Kongs and bones are also good for redirecting the dog’s attention. If your pet dog has trouble kicking back in the car or if your pet dog cries when kenneled, bring along some extra Kongs for when you need her to be quiet or still. To get the best use out of a Kong, fill it with peanut butter and freeze it for a half-hour.

6. stop a sick dog.

If you forget or run out of your dog’s food, who knows if the comfort store in Grandpa’s town is going to carry Nature’s variety grain-free duck meal and turkey meal. אני בספק. Dog’s get upset stomachs very easily if they unexpectedly switch foods. For the same reason, be careful not to give your pet dog too lots of holiday treats and goodies. The last thing you want is a sick dog.

Also, keep a small water dish in the car so you remember to give your pet dog water when you stop for lunch or gas.

7. Bring a training collar and long leash or tie-out.

It’s easy to forget the gentle Leader or prong collar when you’re heading out the door. Your pet dog will likely be a lot more ecstatic at a new place, so you’ll want to have her normal training collar along. also remember any tools that allow her to run off leash or nearly off leash such as a long lead, a tie-out, an e-collar or her favorite toy.

8. consider a collapsible wire kennel.

These are great for traveling because they fold up easily. I bring Ace’s wire kennel anywhere because it fits easily in my trunk. I can set it up again in about 30 seconds. I never know when I’ll have to leave my dog alone for a few hours, and it’s disrespectful to leave him loose in someone’s house.

9. hire a pet sitter or board your dog.

Sometimes it really is less stressful for everyone involved if you leave your pet dog home, especially if the host is not a pet dog person. There are plenty of quality boarding kennels and pet sitters out there, but make sure to book appointments far enough ahead. Do your research and ask questions before boarding your dog.

10. consider staying at a pet friendly hotel.

Most hotels in Fargo take dogs at least in certain rooms. This is the case in a lot of towns. just make sure to book in advance.

What ideas do you have for traveling with a dog?

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