האח הגדול, האח הקטן
תראה מה הגיע אתמול בדואר. צווארוני כלבי המחמד הרקומים החדשים שלנו עבור ACE ו- PUPPY REMY!
תודה, Dogids! אחד הרבה יותר יום להיכנס למסירה שלנו לצווארון אטום למים כאן.
תראה מה הגיע אתמול בדואר. צווארוני כלבי המחמד הרקומים החדשים שלנו עבור ACE ו- PUPPY REMY!
תודה, Dogids! אחד הרבה יותר יום להיכנס למסירה שלנו לצווארון אטום למים כאן.
We have a tendency to treat our pets like babies, and sometimes that creates separation anxiety in dogs.
Humans have a desire to nurture anything small, cute or helpless.
When a newborn human baby cries, the right thing to do is go to her and offer comfort, food, warmth or whatever she needs, right?
It makes sense that we also want to carry our pets around, keep them near us at all times and go to them when they cry.
We shower them with affection whenever they display signs of neediness. This is a way for us to express love and feel loved back.
But loving a puppy or dog in this way can actually do some harm. It often (not always) results in an anxious, overly dependent, needy and annoying dog.
Puppies and dogs are not babies. They are animals, and they have a right to be treated as animals.
How to prevent separation anxiety in dogs
This post has been expanded into an ebook filled with tips on how to stop a dog’s separation anxiety. order it here for $4.
What is dog separation anxiety?
Dogs with separation anxiety have not been conditioned to being left alone and therefore go into a frantic state of mind when separated from their owners (even when their owners are simply out of sight).
What is NOT dog separation anxiety?
Separation anxiety in dogs is overly diagnosed.
All dogs need a reasonable amount of time to adjust to a new home. most dogs will cry in their kennels for a bit for the first couple of nights or weeks, but then they settle in just fine once they adjust to the new routine.
Some dogs are said to have “separation anxiety” when really they just need:
rules & training
time to adjust
A dog that is given little or no exercise, no mental stimulation (training or puzzle toys) and no time with a “pack” is going to be bored out of his mind.
Of course he’s going to bark, destroy property or rip apart his kennel when left alone. He has nothing else to do!
How do I know if my dog has separation anxiety?
In a past post, I outlined the symptoms of dog separation anxiety and the steps on how to help a dog with separation anxiety. Please check it out HERE.
In this post, I want to focus on preventing separation anxiety.
How do I prevent dog separation anxiety?
1. Do not carry your puppy everywhere.
A lot of small dogs develop separation anxiety because they are carried around all the time. They are literally treated like babies.
They never have to think for themselves. They are not encouraged to explore or be independent. They never learn proper socialization skills because their owners pick them up when the dogs are faced with anything new.
Some of these dogs become insecure, fearful and anxious without their owners in sight. Others become overly possessive of their owners and bite anyone who comes close. This can be prevented by treating the dog like a dog.
2. teach your puppy to “stay” for long periods of time.
All dogs should be able to lie down and stay for at least a half-hour, especially when there are no distractions such as when you are watching TV or checking email.
This helps drain some mental energy, builds confidence and self-control.
Teach your dog to stay on her “place” or “bed” while you leave the room.
If your dog doesn’t have the most reliable down-stay quite yet, keep working on it.
Start with just 2 seconds while you’re right next to your dog. then try 5 seconds and over time you can increase to 10 seconds, 15, 30. eventually you can take one step away and she should remain staying. then two steps.
It helps if you can give your dog a special chew toy like a Kong toy or a puzzle toy while she stays on her bed.
2. Do not pick your puppy up if she cries or jumps on you.
This is the kind of behavior you do not want to reward.
Unless she is truly in danger, completely ignore your dog when she cries or jumps on you for attention. Do not look at her. Do not scold her. get up and leave the room if you have to. Your attention is a reward, and she only gets it when she is being calm and quiet and respectful.
By the way, I’m not saying it’s wrong to pick up and cuddle your dog! but if you are worried she is becoming too dependent on you or if she’s showing signs of separation anxiety, setting these boundaries will help her gain confidence in the long term.
*Enjoying this article? get realistic dog training tips emailed once a week. לחץ כאן
3. Reward your dog with attention when she is calm and quiet.
A reward can be something as simple as eye contact, a pat on the head or a treat. but this is also a good time to pick your dog up!In the meantime, work on other ways to create temporary separation:
4. Purposely separate yourself from your puppy.
You and your dog will naturally want to be together, but you can’t be together all the time. It’s important to help puppies learn to feel comfortable being separated from you. Make sure you are creating these scenarios, even when you are home.
Some ideas to try for short periods:
Tether your dog to a chair or table and walk away.
Return only when she is quiet. This could take a few minutes. Heck, it could take an hour! If your puppy won’t stop crying, just wait her out and return when she has been quiet for even 3 seconds.
If she starts celebrating and barking as you approach, turn around and ignore her again until she is quiet. having your attention is the greatest reward for your dog.
Kennel your dog when you are home.
This could be for 10 minutes or an hour. It’s the same concept as above.
Only return when your dog is quiet. Kenneling your dog when you are home will also help her feel more comfortable in her kennel because she won’t associate it with you leaving the house.
Make sure to stock the kennel full of goodies like Kongs filled with frozen peanut butter and treats.
Shut doors behind you.
If you have a pup who follow you into the bathroom, then close the door in her face and make her wait for you. This is an easy way to create temporary separation. If she scratches at the door or cries, do not open the door. opening the door is too much of a reward.
Create boundaries.
Don’t let your puppy crawl into your lap unless she sits quietly first. Don’t let her sleep in your bed until she is a confident and well-trained dog. Puppies do not belong on the bed.
6. stick to the same routine before you leave your dog home alone.
Sticking to a routine when you leave will really help your dog feel secure. before you head to work, maybe you go for a 30-minute walk with your dog, then shower, then eat breakfast, then put her in her kennel and then do your makeup.
Dogs really depend on a routine to help them feel secure.
7. ignore your dog 20 minutes before you leave and 10 minutes after you return.
Making an event out of coming or going confirms that being apart was bad.
Being apart is not bad, it’s normal.
So, completely ignore your dog before you leave the house (just for 10 minutes or so). Don’t talk to her. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t even look at her. Drawn-out goodbyes will only make her feel anxious. She will pick up on your feelings of guilt.
When you return, do the same. Do not look at her or acknowledge her at all (this is hard!). If she is barking in her kennel, that gives you even more reason to ignore her.
If you don’t kennel your dog and she greets you by jumping and crying, walk into another room like she doesn’t exist.
Return when she is relaxed. If you know she can’t relax, then simply have a Kong toy filled with peanut butter you can drop on the floor as you walk in the door and into another room, ignoring her.
Return in 5 or 10 minutes. This is the perfect time to take her for a walk.
8. Leave your puppy with a friend.
If you have an understanding friend who loves dogs, sometimes it helps if you can leave your dog with a friend for an hour here and there. This helps the dog associate positive experiences with people other than you.
If you are the primary caretaker of your dog, it can also be helpful to have other family members step up and take over some of the important roles like feeding the dog, training sessions, play or walks.
This is especially important if your dog seems overly attached to you vs. other family members or roommates.
Tip: Dogs usually love whoever takes them for walks!
9. Leave your puppy at a dog daycare occasionally.
I’m not saying you have to take your dog to dog daycare every day or every week, but it’s good for dogs to get out and stretch their boundaries every now and then without their owners hovering.
It’s good for the owners, too! It’s so hard for me to leave Ace somewhere overnight, but I know it’s good for me! I’m probably the one with separation anxiety.
10. Make sure all of your dog’s needs are being met.
Dogs that are not given any physical, mental or emotional challenges on a daily basis will likely be very anxious, hyperactive and “crazy” dogs.
Be fair to your dog and provide her with the daily exercise and training she needs. spend time with her. stretch her boundaries. and never assume that small dogs or “lazy” breeds do not need exercise. הם כן.
I fostered a Pomeranian mix named Elli who came to us with severe separation issues.
Hoהאם עזרתי לאלי?
לקחתי את האופניים שלה כל יום כדי להיפטר מהאנרגיה העצומה שלה. היא הייתה בערך 9 פאונד, והיא הייתה רצה 2 מיילים ליד האופניים שלי בלי שום בעיה! היא אהבה את זה!
למידע נוסף, עיין בפוסט שלי על מקורות נפוצים לחרדת כלבים ומה לעשות!
אילו טיפים נוספים יש לך למניעת חרדת נטישה אצל כלבים?
חרדת נטישה היא זמן רב לתקן. זה מלחיץ על הבעלים, הכלב ועל כל בני המשפחה וחיות המחמד האחרות – ושכנים!
*ליהנות מאמר זה? קבל טיפים לאילוף כלבים ריאליסטי שנשלח בדוא”ל פעם בשבוע. לחץ כאן
לינדזי סטורדל הוא המייסד של אותו מוט. היא כותבת על אימוני כלבים, פעילות גופנית כלבים והזנת תזונה גולמית בריאה.
האם גזע חשוב בעת חיזוי התנהגות של כלב?
כלב המחמד שלי נשפט לפי הופעתו.
אייס הוא כלב שחור גדול, רול, שחור. כשאנשים רואים אותו, הם בדרך כלל רואים “מעבדה” כמו שהם בדרך כלל מניחים שהוא ידידותי.
במקרה זה, אנשים צודקים. בדיקת ה- DNA של הגזע המעורב של הכלב שלי חשפה מעבדה של 50 אחוז. כמו שהוא גם ידידותי – ידידותי מדי!
אבל האם זה הוגן לשפוט את הכלב שלי, או כל סוג של כלב אחר, לפי הופעתו? של התוכנית לא. כלב המחמד שלי לא ידידותי מכיוון שהוא חלק מעבדה. הוא ידידותי מאז כל סוגי הגורמים, גזע הוא אחד.
יש המון מעבדות שאינן ידידותיות. חלקם ביישנים, מפחדים או אגרסיביים. כמו גם בדיוק כמו הכלב שלי, הגזע שלהם לא צופה את התנהגותם. לפחות לא לגמרי.
מכיוון שאייס מופיע כמו מעבדה, אנשים מצפים שהוא יפעל בשיטה שהם מאמינים שמעבדה חייבת לפעול. עם זאת, לכלב המחמד שלי יש מספר גזעים פוטנציאליים אחרים במורשתו – רועה גרמני כמו גם דששונד, הציע בדיקת ה- DNA של כלב המחמד שלו, בין היתר.
אנו רואים “תערובת מעבדה” אולם כלב המחמד שלפנינו מייצג מספר גזעים שונים.
ומה עם כל אותם כלבים שקיימים שיש באמת מראה “בוט”?
מה עם הכלבים שלא נראים כמו כל סוג של גזע בפרט? האם לכלבים האלה יש יתרון מכיוון שאיננו ממקמים את ההנחות שלנו עליהם?
קח לדוגמה את צ’סטר כלב חיית מחמד זה. כשאני מסתכל עליו, אני לא רואה שום סוג של זן ספציפי. בפעם הראשונה שסיפרתי אותו, שאלתי את הבעלים שלו איזה סוג של כלב חיות מחמד הוא טוב כמו שאמרה, “אני לא יודעת.”
אם לא אנו לא רואים כל סוג של סוג ספציפי של כלב לחיות מחמד כשאנחנו מסתכלים על בוט, לא נניח שהוא חייב להביא או “לאהוב לרוץ” או להיות בעל “דחף מגן” חזק או אינסטינקט רועה. אנו מאפשרים לו פשוט להיות כלב.
האם זה לא יהיה נהדר אם לכל הכלבים היה יתרון זה? אם אנו עשויים לראות רק “כלב” קודם מאוד כמו גם להתבונן בהתנהגותו האמיתית?
תחשוב על זה. אם לא היינו שופטים כלבים לפי הופעותיהם:
לגדל תקנות מסוימות לא היו קיימות
יותר כלבים יאמצו
אנשים היו בוחרים כלבים המבוססים על אנרגיה כמו גם על טמפרמנט לעומת מראה (כמעט תמיד דבר נהדר)
בעלי הבית לא היו אוסרים “גזעים” ספציפיים
מעונות יום לכלבים לא היו אוסרים “גזעים” ספציפיים
עסקי כיסוי ביטוח שוכרים וכן עסק בכיסוי ביטוח בעלי בתים היו מציעים את אותן אפשרויות ההגנה בדיוק עבור כל בעלי כלבי חיות המחמד
אז מה אתה חושב?
האם אנשים שופטים את כלב המחמד שלך על סמך הופעתו? האם זה הוגן כלפי הכלב שלך?
Bandit the Norwich Terrier Mix
אני מתנדב בחברה הומנית של Rancho Coastal כבר שישה שבועות. בכל פעם שאני מבקר בכלבים, הקבוצה השתנתה. כמה אומצו, וכמה כלבים חדשים הגיעו.
אבל כל ששת השבועות, נותר שוד.
כשאני מבלה מספיק זמן עם כלב חסר בית, אני מתחיל לדמיין את עצמי באופן אוטומטי מאמצ את הכלב הזה.
אני לא מתכוון לאמץ כלבים כרגע, אבל אני יכול לדמיין את Bandit As הכלב שלי. הוא היה עושה חבר נהדר לריצה. הוא אחד מאותם כלבים קטנים שלא נראה שהם מחזיקים בשקט בכלובו. עם זאת, ברגע שהוא מוציא אני שומע שהוא די רגוע.
הוא חכם וקשוב. הוא מחפש חיבה ופינוקים. אני בטוח שהוא יהיה כלב קל להתאמן.
והוא דבר קטן וחמוד. בנוסף ידידותי מאוד עם אנשים וכלבים.
כאן בדרום קליפורניה המקלטים מלאים בגזעים מעורבים קטנים כמו בנדיט.
הוא בטוח במקלט הספציפי הזה. עם זאת, זה עדיין מקלט, ומקלט אינו מקום לכלב לטווח ארוך.
לאמץ שודד
Dogs’ needs are often overlooked during holiday road trips, so I thought I’d list a few reminders if your pet dog is lucky enough to come along. Dogs are normally extra naughty when checking out somewhere new, right? ?
1. hide the chocolate from your dog.
When the car is stuffed with goodies, keep all the tempting presents in the trunk if your pet dog will be alone in the car. Wrapping paper and boxes will not stop a dog! It’s easy for me to forget what is in each gift, so when I’m wrapping presents I put all edible gifts in one spot.
2. Be respectful and appreciative.
If you are lucky to have relatives who welcome your dog, make sure you don’t push your luck. truly thank them for allowing you to bring your dog. You could even bring them a gift from your pet dog or have your pet dog give their pet dog a gift.
Follow all your host’s rules and requests, and if you’re not sure what the policies are, ask. Make sure to always pick up after your dog, wipe her paws and keep her off the furniture. Don’t allow her to bark nonstop, to bother the other family pets or guests or to run around like she owns the place.
3. exercise your pet dog a lot more than usual.
Ideally, I take Ace for an hour walk ideal before we leave on road trips. then I walk him again once we reach our destination. I also make sure he gets a lot more exercise the entire week leading up to our trip and during our trip. The less pent-up energy he has, the better.
4. Enforce your normal rules.
Dogs know when they can get away with whatever they want. help your pet dog stay focused and under control at Grandma’s by enforcing the same policies you do at home. have your pet dog sit and stay in the car until you release her. keep her leash on in the house until she is calm. carry treats in your pocket to help her stay focused. Don’t let her charge the door.
5. Bring rawhides and Kong toys.
Chewing helps dogs kick back and get rid of extra energy. Kongs and bones are also good for redirecting the dog’s attention. If your pet dog has trouble kicking back in the car or if your pet dog cries when kenneled, bring along some extra Kongs for when you need her to be quiet or still. To get the best use out of a Kong, fill it with peanut butter and freeze it for a half-hour.
6. stop a sick dog.
If you forget or run out of your dog’s food, who knows if the comfort store in Grandpa’s town is going to carry Nature’s variety grain-free duck meal and turkey meal. אני בספק. Dog’s get upset stomachs very easily if they unexpectedly switch foods. For the same reason, be careful not to give your pet dog too lots of holiday treats and goodies. The last thing you want is a sick dog.
Also, keep a small water dish in the car so you remember to give your pet dog water when you stop for lunch or gas.
7. Bring a training collar and long leash or tie-out.
It’s easy to forget the gentle Leader or prong collar when you’re heading out the door. Your pet dog will likely be a lot more ecstatic at a new place, so you’ll want to have her normal training collar along. also remember any tools that allow her to run off leash or nearly off leash such as a long lead, a tie-out, an e-collar or her favorite toy.
8. consider a collapsible wire kennel.
These are great for traveling because they fold up easily. I bring Ace’s wire kennel anywhere because it fits easily in my trunk. I can set it up again in about 30 seconds. I never know when I’ll have to leave my dog alone for a few hours, and it’s disrespectful to leave him loose in someone’s house.
9. hire a pet sitter or board your dog.
Sometimes it really is less stressful for everyone involved if you leave your pet dog home, especially if the host is not a pet dog person. There are plenty of quality boarding kennels and pet sitters out there, but make sure to book appointments far enough ahead. Do your research and ask questions before boarding your dog.
10. consider staying at a pet friendly hotel.
Most hotels in Fargo take dogs at least in certain rooms. This is the case in a lot of towns. just make sure to book in advance.
What ideas do you have for traveling with a dog?
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דלקת פרקים היא אחד הגורמים השכיחים ביותר לכאבים כרוניים ולצרכים מיוחדים בארצות הברית. הסוג הנפוץ ביותר של דלקת פרקים הוא דלקת מפרקים ניוונית, הפוגעת בדרך כלל בברכיים, ירכיים וידיים. מפרקים אחרים מושפעים לעתים קרובות. כתב העת דלקת מפרקים ושגרון דיווחו כי כ -27 מיליון אמריקאים סובלים מדלקת מפרקים ניוונית. דלקת פרקים יכולה גם להשפיע על הכלבים שלנו, במיוחד על כלבים בכירים.
פעילות גופנית ושמירה על משקל בריא הם שני הטיפולים הטובים ביותר לדלקת פרקים. פוסט חדש בכתב העת Journal Medicine Medicine and Chabiniation מדגיש את התפקיד המכריע שיש לתרגיל אירובי וחיזוק רגיל הן להפסקת דלקת מפרקים ניוונית והן למזער את הכאב והצרכים המיוחדים ברגע שהתרחש דלקת מפרקים ניוונית.
לא מאמינים שהמחקר שפעילות גופנית גורם למפרקים להרגיש טוב יותר? פשוט תראה מה קורה כשאתה צריך לבלות כמה ימים במיטה עם קצת מחלה ויראלית. כשאתה מרגיש טוב יותר וקם ומתנועע, סביר להניח שתרגיש די נוקשה וכואב בכל מקום. הכאב הזה נובע רק מכמה ימים של אי הנעת שרירים ומפרקים. זו גם הסיבה שאסטרונאוטים צריכים להתאמן כשהם בחלל. שרירים ומפרקים מתפקדים בצורה הטובה ביותר ונשמרים בריאים ביותר כאשר הם מתרגלים באופן קבוע.
מספר גזעי כלבי חיות מחמד גדולים יותר נוטים הרבה יותר לפיתוח דלקת פרקים:
Retrievers Golden
Labrador Retrievers
רועים גרמנים
סנט ברנרדס
חוקרים מאוניברסיטת פנסילבניה דיווחו כי דלקת מפרקים לא הייתה נדירה אצל כלבים אתלטיים, כמו ביצועים בורזואה וגרייהאונד מירוצים.
דַלֶקֶת פּרָקִים
Can you strengthen a dog’s worry by petting as well as speaking to him when he’s scared?
In this post:
Can you strengthen a dog’s worry by providing affection?
How to strengthen suitable behaviors.
Why you ought to block unsuitable behaviors.
This topic was challenging for me to compose about. I never did come up with a remove response to the question, as well as I hope this publish will be a location for truthful discussion. I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Can you reward a dog’s worry by providing affection?
If only there were an simple answer!
I consulted with a number of expert canine fitness instructors for this post, including Anthony Newman who runs Calm energy canine Training. He turned the concern around as well as asked me what I thought. Here’s a summary of what I said:
It’s always worked to comfort my canine when his worry does not result in aggression. For example, when he’s frightened of a twister siren, he will curl up on his bed. This doesn’t bother anyone, so I will calmly pet as well as speak with him – or disregard him, which is most likely not so nice! When aggression is involved, like barking at a stranger, I try not to provide affection. I distract him as well as reward calm behavior.
After all my research study for this post, this is what it comes down to for me. providing comfort to a frightened canine is not going to do any type of harm. However, if the canine is showing unsuitable behaviors since of that worry – barking, pacing, growling – then we requirement to discover a method to instruct as well as strengthen a much more suitable behavior.
“We have to keep in mind that worry is an emotion, not a particular behavior,” stated expert canine fitness instructor Joan hunter Mayer, owner of The Inquisitive Canine. We strengthen or punish behaviors, not emotions.
Newman likewise stated worry will not be reinforced because reinforcement comes from providing a reward.
“A really fearful, anxious canine in a high-trigger situation, like thunderstorm-phobia, just won’t care about the cuddling,” he said. The canine won’t be able to experience it as a reward.
Why is this a difficult topic?
One reason this topic is challenging for me is since we don’t all agree on exactly how fearful dogs translate our affection.
Professional canine fitness instructor Ty brown of Dog habits Online said he believes an owner’s affection can likely strengthen a dog’s fearful behavior because there is a disconnect in communication between the two species.
A excellent example of this is when a fear-aggressive little canine is barking as well as growling at strangers from her owner’s arms. brown stated he sees this a great deal with bit dogs.
“The canine is feeling fearful, as well as the owner is stating with voice as well as body language, ‘What a excellent job. זה נכון. I support the specify of mind you’re in,’” brown said. “It’s a type of enabling as well as doesn’t instruct the canine exactly how to offer keeping that fear.”
אני מסכים. Coddling a fear-aggressive canine will not assist her develop the skills she needs to offer with her fears in the future.
“It is essential to keep in mind in any type of canine training that dogs are not primates,” stated expert fitness instructor Rob Peladeau of fine-tuned K9. numerous of the things we do to assist our kids in fearful circumstances do not equate to the canine species.Yet, some fitness instructors state providing comfort might assist a canine feel much better in the moment, at least in some situations.
In her 2011 YouTube video “Calming A Fearful Animal,” expert canine fitness instructor Suzanne Clothier stated canine owners should offer affection to their frightened dogs. however in purchase for that affection to be helpful, it needs to be quiet, firm as well as remove – not frantic.
“Everything in my body language, my movements, my tone of voice, exactly how I touch the animal, has to say, ‘I understand that’s frightening for you. I got your back here,’” Clothier said.
Brown likewise wants his clients to comfort their dogs whenever the dogs are frightened or stressed, as well as he stated the very best method to do that is with structure.
“I want them to do it in a method that leads to growth on the dog’s behalf,” he said. “For example, a canine that is stressed by outside thunder might be finest soothed by being provided a command to lie in a bed as well as stay put.”
This is normally what I finish with Ace, as well as when he is in a calm state, he is able to get affection as a reward for his calm behavior. While there are different methods to offer comfort to our dogs, the long-term goal oughtto be to figure out exactly how to get rid of the dog’s worry or assist him discover to offer keeping that fear.
How to strengthen suitable behaviors.
I always try to strengthen the behaviors I want from my dog, no matter what specify of mind he’s in. This is particularly essential when aggression is involved, no matter exactly how minor.
For example, my canine gets frightened when strangers method us in specific situations. He responds by barking, as well as this is a habits I typically don’t want to reinforce.
I can reassure my canine with affection all I want – “It’s OK. זה בסדר.” This may or may not impact my dog’s emotional state, however it’s not going to stop the unwanted barking. I understand him well, as well as while he may bark less, he’s still going to bark.
Ace will stop barking, however, if I calmly put him in a down/stay setting as well as ask him to focus on me – “watch.” His brain has to focus on something other than being frightened – obeying my commands. I choose not to utilize treats, however if treats draw out the habits I’m looking for, then so be it! All I care about in that moment is reinforcing the best behavior.
Dr. Patricia McConnell, a licensed used animal behaviorist, composed a publish on her blog about exactly how you can’t strengthen fear through affection. one of her examples is when a fearful canine is barking at visitors. She composed that if the “strangers” toss treats at the dog, the treats would not “reward” the dog’s fear. Instead, the treats would really decrease the fear, which would ultimately assist the canine modification his habits (I like treats! Strangers bring treats! I like strangers!).
Do you see exactly how both these methods might assist a dog? everything depends upon the private dog, the distinct circumstance as well as the owner’s consistency.
Why you ought to block unsuitable behaviors.
Another element – regardless of whether or not we provide affection – is that a dog’s own actions can really make the canine feel much more fearful, according to McConnell in the comment section of the exact same post.
For example, if the canine is lunging as well as barking at a stranger, the lunging as well as barking as well as getting worked up might make the canine feel much more afraid. This is why it’s so essential to prevent, block or stop these kinds of behaviors. Then, instruct as well as strengthen “good” behaviors such as sitting quietly.
Emotions are contagious.
If I want my canine Ace to be calm, the very first thing I requirement to do is be calm myself.
If Ace is frightened of an approaching stranger, as well as I select to anxiously pet my canine while repeating “It’s OK! זה בסדר!” while we run away, what am I interacting to him? I’m telling him, “I’m scared, as well as you much better be frightened too!”
Isn’t this the ideal example of exactly how our affection can really make a canine much more fearful? I believe so, however I’ve like to hear what you think. At the extremely least, it’s not going to assist the canine feel any type of less afraid.
How else can canine owners assist their fearful dogs?
Don’t punish a fearful dog. Instead, distract the canine as well as then reward him for suitable behaviors.
Provide the canine with great deals of exercise. Dogs with less energy are typically going to be less reactive.
Build your dog’s obedience skills so he’ll have much more self-control as well as a higher capability to pay interest to you.
In going with a listing of all fears as well as anxieties, brown stated he can typically discover obedience behaviors that:
Bring structure as well as are calming.
Achieve focus on the owner as well as for that reason send focus away from the source of the stress.
Lend a sense of leadership which is needed when a canine is feeling nervous.
“For that reason, we always put a great deal of emphasis on advanced obedience with all of our clients,” he said.
What do the rest of you think? are there circumstances where affection can reward a dog’s fears?
תן לי להבין בתגובות!
פוסטים קשורים:
How to assist a canine conquer a fear
A canine rescue group in San Diego is being sued after a Labrador named Charlie bit a guy in the nose soon after his adoption took place, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. This occurred less than two months after the canine almost bit off a woman’s finger prior to adoption.
So we’re not speaking nips.
We’re speaking major bites.
From the San Diego Union-Tribune:
Ryan Hawblitzel almost lost his nose as well as has considerable scars from the Jan. 24 bite, according to his attorney, Rocky Copley. He stated the assault wouldn’t have occurred if Labradors as well as good friends canine Rescue had told Ryan’s household that Charlie had bitten one more person the month prior, as well as if the region had complied with appropriate protocols after that earlier incident.
“If Labradors as well as good friends had informed (Hawblitzel’s parents) about the prior attack, they would not have brought the canine into their home,” the suit says.
Hawblitzel is suing the county, Labradors as well as good friends canine rescue in addition to two volunteers from the group for an unspecified amount of damages. Copley stated Hawblitzel may requirement much more surgeries to recuperate from his injuries.
Full Union-Trib short article here.
(Charlie is not pictured.)
I wished to bring up the story right here since it’s a great pointer exactly how rescue groups, shelters, foster houses as well as other volunteers requirement to disclose whatever about canine bites as well as aggression to prospective adopters. ללא יוצאי דופן.
I don’t understand exactly how this specific situation will turn out legally, however I do understand typical sense states rescue groups ought to disclose all understood bite events to adopters.
I assist with canine adoptions myself, as well as I understand it’s simple to downplay or even disregard specific “nips” or bites as well as state it was the person’s fault or the nips occurred since of special circumstances.
A bite is a bite.
You can’t anticipate whatever however in this particular San Diego situation the canine had a record of biting as well as this was never explained to the adoptive family, at least according to this article.
This is aggravating on so numerous levels.
A guy was badly injured, the canine was (understandably) killed after the event as well as rescue groups in general look irresponsible since of this rescue group’s failure.
I volunteer with Labradors, Retrievers & More, a different lab rescue in San Diego that is commonly confused with Labradors as well as Friends.
So there are two things we can take away from this:
1. As rescue volunteers, we requirement to make sure we’re being responsible.
This story made me analyze my own history as a foster volunteer as well as I have to admit I have not always been as remove with adoptive households as I ought to have been.
Today I recognize all rescue volunteers have the obligation to be honest. If you are a volunteer, report all bites or behavioral problems to a board member. If the rescue you are working with isn’t truthful with adopters, then discover one more rescue to support.
2. Adopters requirement to understand what type of concerns to ask.
Adopting a canine is a fantastic method to get a pet. one of the very best methods to get a well-behaved, well-socialized canine is to discover an adult, fostered canine from a rescue group since typically the foster owner understands a great deal of info about the dog.
Still, when adopting any type of canine it’s essential to ask concerns such as:
[צ’ק ליסט]
Has this canine ever bitten anyone?
Has this canine ever nipped anyone? even on accident? (Like while playing tug)
Have you ever seen the canine growl at a person? exactly how about at one more dog?
Does he guard his food from people or dogs?
How long have you understood this dog?
Can you verify he’s never had any type of problems with aggression?
How does he react when he satisfies thrilled dogs on a leash?
How does he act around your kids?
[/צ’ק ליסט]
Rescues requirement to be honest.
Adopters requirement to ask questions.
It’s essential to get dogs adopted, however a canine adoption ought to never take concern over a person’s safety.
I’d like to get your thoughts on this topic.
Have you ever been in a circumstance where you believe a rescue group should have disclosed extra information?
Let me understand in the comments!
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New York Times Essay “The wrong Dog”
When to euthanize a canine that bites
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the very best pet dog food is made of human-grade components with top notch animal proteins, whole grains, vegetables as well as is naturally preserved, according to Michelle Smith, owner of natural Pet center of Fargo considering that 2005.
Natural Pet center of Fargo does not offer pet dog food brands that include by-products, corn, fillers or chemical preservatives, according to its web site.
If Michelle can supply the tools for people to assist their family pets online longer, healthier as well as happier lives, she stated it is all worth it.
Her goal is to supply the neighborhood with premium pet food as well as supplies.
“Our family pets are a part of our families, as well as we want to keep them around as long as we can,” she said.
Healthy pet dog food
Natural Pet center brings natural pet dog as well as feline food, including raw, refrigerated as well as dehydrated food.
Some of the natural brands sold at natural Pet center include solid Gold, Nutrisource, Spot’s Stew, California Natural, Nature’s Variety, Wellness, Sojourner Farms, Canidae, Felidae, Innova, Flint River Ranch, Primal, Weruva, before Grain, taste of the Wild, finest Feline Friend, Mulligan Stew as well as Tiki Cat.
No matter what brand or diet plan you choose to feed your pet, Michelle is ideal there to response your questions.
“I always have some people that apologize for asking as well lots of questions. You can never ask as well lots of questions!” Michelle said. “If we don’t have an response for you, we will phone call makers as well as do the research study for you to assist you out.”
Choosing the ideal pet dog food
Michelle used some recommendations for choosing a healthy pet dog food. look for pet dog food components with:
1. top notch animal proteins
The very first two or a lot more components must be top notch animal proteins (no by-products!). stay away from general terms such as “meat meal” or “poultry meal” since it might be just about anything.
2. Grain-free pet dog food
Choose a food that is grain-free or consists of top notch grains such as brown rice or oatmeal. prevent corn as well as wheat.
3. Good-quality vegetables.
The food must have good-quality vegetables, fruits, supplements, vitamins as well as natural preservatives.
Benefits of natural pet dog food
Many clients tell Michelle their dogs have healthier skin as well as coats as well as their dogs have smaller or less regular stools after changing to a natural diet.
“As you modification to a much better high quality food you will likewise see that your pet will eat less since there is a lot more usable nutrition in their diet,” Michelle said. “They will stay at a healthy weight as well as less active, as well as older family pets will get a bit ‘pep’ in their step.”
Michelle stated she feeds her yellow lab as well as Bernese mountain pet dog (pictured, as puppies) a range of food in buy to keep it balanced.
“Our dogs are most likely two of the most spoiled dogs when it pertains to food, treats as well as toys!” היא אמרה. “Their parents own a pet supply store for heaven’s sake!”
Some of her dogs’ favorites include Innova mixed with canned food, dehydrated food or some healthy veggies as well as table scraps.
“We like to mix it up, so their diet plan does modification from day to day,” Michelle said.
Raw pet dog food
Natural Pet center uses choices for those thinking about feeding their family pets a raw diet. The easiest technique is to feed the total raw diet plan used in the store, Michelle said. A a lot more hands-on choice is to utilize base mixes.
For those who want to get severe as well as comprise a total raw diet, Michelle suggests pet owners do their research.
“Unfortunately, you can’t get away with mixing hamburger, rice as well as beans together as well as calling it a total diet,” she said.
For a lot more information, natural Pet center uses brochures as well as samples in the store as well as includes links to all the pet food business from its web site.
Michelle likewise suggested the complying with resources:
Food family pets die For – Shocking Facts about Pet Food by Ann N. Martin
The whole pet dog Journal (monthly publication)
Natural health and wellness for Dogs & Cats by Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn
Holistic guide for a healthy pet dog by Wendy Volhard as well as Kerry Brown
The natural feline by Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn
“If you have any type of concerns along the method or are needing a lot more info about the foods we carry, always feel available to calling, emailing or stopping in to chat about food,” Michelle said.
Save money on pet dog food
Natural pet dog food generally costs a lot more than routine brands. When people are trying to cut back, costly pet dog food maיהיה הראשון ברשימה.
“עם הפרט הנוכחי של הכלכלה, כולם מנסים לחסוך כסף. עם זאת זה לא מצביע על כך שאתה צריך לדלג על האוכל של חיית המחמד שלך, “אמרה מישל.
עבור אוכל פנטסטי במחיר פנטסטי, היא מציעה לקנידה. מזון לכלבים מחמד זה מיועד לכלבים בכל הגילאים כמו גם לספק את כל התזונה שהם צריכים.
“למרות שיש לה עלות נמוכה יותר אז כמה מהמזונות האחרים שלנו, היא מורכבת מחלבונים מהשורה הראשונה, דגנים, ויטמינים כמו גם מינרלים כמו גם שמנים נוספים כדי לשמור על עורם כמו גם על מעיל בריא,” אמרה מישל.
לקבלת הרבה יותר חיסכון, מרכז חיות המחמד הטבעי משתמש במבצעים שונים בכל חודש. מבצעים נוספים משמשים לעלון של לארי באינטרנט. לארי (בתמונה) הוא החתול המתגורר בחנות.
ציוד לחיות מחמד פארגו מורהד
למרכז חיות המחמד הטבעי יש בחירה גדולה של פינוקים בריאים, צעצועים מיוחדים, ציוד לחיות מחמד ואפילו בגדי אנשים כמו גם פריטי מתנה.
מישל הצהירה שהיא מחפשת באופן קבוע מוצרים חדשים כמו גם מיוחדים. אם החנות לא תביא מוצר שאתה מחפש, היא תכניס קנייה מיוחדת עם מספר מוצרים ללא עלות נוספת.
שירותי טיפוח במרכז לחיות מחמד טבעי
מרכז חיות מחמד טבעי משתמש בטיפוח מלא לכל גזעי הכלבים כמו גם חתולים. שירותי הטיפוח כוללים סטיילינג ספציפי לגזע, גילוח, מססיית ידיים, אמבטיה כמו גם מברשת, ציפורניים, ניקוי אוזניים, בלוטות אנאליות, להתמודד עם חיתוכים כמו גם חיתוכי כפות.
חתולים לאימוץ
כמה חתולים עומדים לאימוץ במרכז חיות המחמד הטבעי.
אם אתם חושבים לאמץ חתול, עצרו על ידי כמו גם בדקו כמה מהחתולים חסרי הבית.
considering that composing for ThatMutt.com, I have come to know—and love—Mighty Paw, so I was ecstatic when Lindsay used me the possibility to evaluation one of their new products, a reflective collar with a metal buckle.
The collar is woven canvas with a number of rows of reflective stitching, a strong metal buckle as well as two D rings—a plastic one for identifies as well as a metal one for the leash.
Mighty Paw is a partner of That Mutt.
Mighty Paw is providing away a complimentary metal buckle collar to two visitors of That Mutt. just leave a comment at the end of the publish to enter. *Update: The winners have been chosen.
Mighty Paw metal Buckle Collar Review
My thoughts on the Mighty Paw metal buckle collar:
With collars, I’m always skeptical about their strength. I feel like plastic can get brittle as well as buckles can break.
This collar alleviates my worries since the buckle is metal. The actual system of exactly how it fastens is not one I’ve seen before, however it seems extremely strong when it’s clasped—in truth I had to look at the directions to figure out exactly how to undo the collar.
The leash attaches to a metal D-ring, so even if you have a heavy puller or your pet dog is connected out, the collar will hold. even if he may potentially want to chase the turkey vultures that have arrived on the barn!
The material of the collar itself is a thick canvas—similar to a leash. The canvas isn’t incredibly heavy, as well as a couple of times I twisted the collar as I put it on Bax.
Despite the strong material as well as the metal, the collar is not heavy.
Cost of the collar
The Mighty Paw metal buckle collar is $14.99 on its website HERE.
That Mutt visitors can get 20% off all Mighty Paw products with code MP20Mutt
What’s special about the Mighty Paw metal buckle collar?
Obviously the metal buckle is unique. It’s fairly flat as well as not bulky, so it won’t interfere with any type of activities your pet dog may be doing. plus it provides me additional insurance coverage that my pet dog is secure.
I like that Mighty Paw includes two separate rings for identifies as well as the leash. I discover that this rotates the collar to ensure that the leash brings to the side as well as has less possibility of ending up in Bax’s armpit.
As well, the sound for the identifies is plastic as well as specially created to lessen jingling.
Pros of the metal buckle collar:
The metal buckle is a special fastener in my experience.
From the material to the buckle, this collar is strong as well as secure.
Mighty Paw’s special metal alloy blend indicates that the collar stays lightweight.
I like the additional assurance of the reflective stitching on the collar.
The collar is adjustable with a flat metal slide. (Bax is using a size medium on his 18-inch neck).
It took me a minute to figure out exactly how to get the buckle undone. The tabs that you have to press to undo the buckle are quite little so if you have restricted dexterity, it might be difficult for you.
The material part of the collar is light sufficient that it may twist when you put it on your pet dog if you’re not paying attention.
I would suggest this collar for…
I happily suggest all of the Mighty Paw products I’ve tested. In the situation of this specific collar, I believe it’s a great alternate if you’re anxious about resilience of a lot more basic buckles.
The metal buckle collar would likewise be a great option if your pet dog is a heavy puller who exerts a great deal of force on collars.
Order a collar right here as well as utilize code MP20Mutt for 20% off.
דבר מה שניתן בחינם! Win a metal buckle collar for your dog!
*Update: The winners have been chosen. Congrats to Elizabeth H. as well as Regina!
Mighty Paw is providing away a complimentary collar to two visitors of That Mutt. need to have a U.S. mailing address to win.
To enter: Just leave a comment below. Are you thinking about this collar?
Lindsay will select two winners at random on Wed Sept. 6.
Julia Thomson is a blog writer at Home on 129 Acres where she composes about her adventures of country living as well as diy renovating. She as well as her hubby online on a 129-acre farm in Ontario, Canada.
Do you like Mighty Paw’s products? indication as much as support That Mutt on Patreon as well as get a complimentary product from Mighty Paw every month. לחץ כאן.
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